School Logo Crockham Hill Church of England Primary School

Virtual Class Celebration Assemblies - Merit Awards

It was fantastic to see many children, parents and staff at our virtual assemblies. 


Congratulations to the following children who were awarded Merits:


Charlie - Charlie has worked consistently hard on all of her home learning tasks over the last week or so. Her efforts with her English work have been particularly notable, resulting in the production of a brilliantly written and beautifully presented newspaper report. 


Jack - Jack has demonstrated a really conscientious attitude to home learning tasks over the course of the last week or so. He has steamed through every single learning task we have set, approaching them all with enthusiasm and producing some excellent pieces of work. 


Christopher - Christopher has been working exceptionally hard on his home learning tasks over the last week or so. He has put a lot of effort into both the quality and presentation of his work. He has also been sharing some of the many extra-curricular activities he has been doing, which has been lovely for us to see. 


Tru - Tru has been working really hard to keep up with all of her home learning tasks. We were really impressed by the way she listened to our feedback on her newspaper report and worked really hard to edit and improve it! 



Bella-Gray  - for showing focus & determination in your home learning this week.


James - for showing aspiration in your learning.  We have enjoyed your creative responses to our thinking challenges and super science work


Rory - superb home learning over the last week!  You have shown great enthusiasm for all our lessons and we loved the video of your Science experiment last week.


Edie - fantastic home learning over the last week!  You have taken great care with the presentation of all your written work and created a superb story.​



For the whole of Conkers for have been amazing and have enthusiastically responded to almost every task set.


Isla  -For being resilient and not to give up when she found the Maths tricky and she has learnt to listen to guidance from teacher and from Mum! She has also written one of the best adventure stories in the class.


Jake -He has put huge effort into every piece of work and his presentation has been outstanding. 


Evie -A clear explanation on how shadows are formed using the correct scientific language. 


Dara -For great photographic evidence of the experiment, followed by a good explanation of the soil.



Noah - for persevering telling the time to five minutes and working really hard at home


Teddie - for producing brilliant quality work this week.


Lillie - for working brilliantly at home and producing some lovely work.


Abi - for brilliant work for the past seven days and in particular fantastic work on number bonds



Aoife for her stunning natural art picture.


Eddie for his gorgeous cursive handwriting in chalk about the weather.


Alex  for not only following Joe Wicks carefully every day, but also getting a shout out from Joe Wicks for the whole family who have been joining in.


Bailey for his incredible reading.







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