School Logo Crockham Hill Church of England Primary School

Y1/2 Bluebell Class

Class Teacher: Miss Campling

Teaching Support: Mrs McCaffery, Mrs Funnell & Mrs Summerscales


Welcome to Bluebell Class. We are energetic, playful and we love to learn incredible things! In our amazing class, there are thirty of us all together; 20 Year 2s and 10 Year 1s. 


Year R, 1 and 2 share a planning cycle and we have so many amazing topics. Our favourites are: Toys (past and present), London's Burning, Wonderful Weather, and Kings and Queens.


We also think Phonics is fantastic! We currently use the Little Wandle scheme to help us become confident and fluent readers. 


We always use positive growth mindsets to support our learning by always having a go at the challenges that we are set. 


It is fun being outside at playtimes as we are fabulous footballers, speedy runners and incredibly imaginative. We also have loads of places to play in! We are kind to each other and play nicely, following our Christian values of respect, empathy, resilience and aspiration. 


Useful Information


Our PE days in Term 1 is Mondays and Tuesdays.

Our forest school sessions will take place in one 6 week block in Term 4. 

Please ensure that all uniform, PE kits or forest school clothes are labelled with the child's name and class. 


Our school day starts between 8:30 and 8:45 and ends at 15:15. 

Please can your child bring in a named water bottle and healthy fruit or vegetable snack into school everyday.

No pencil cases are permitted. 


Thank you for your cooperation!

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Crockham Hill, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6RP

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