Y3/4 Conkers Class
Welcome to Conkers class! We are the first of the Key Stage 2 classes at Crockham Hill Primary. We are courageous, confident and clever! We are a mixed year group class, consisting of 20 Year 3 children and 11 Year 4 children.
Although we are a mixed year group class, we are taught as single year groups for Maths, Science and spellings. We are taught by Mrs Lakin-Hall on Monday-Tuesday and Mrs Gibson Wednesday - Friday.
Year 3 Maths, Science and spellings are taught by Mrs McCaffery. For the rest of the lessons, Y3 are mixed with Y4 and have Mrs Lakin-Hall on Monday-Tuesday and Mrs Gibson Wednesday - Friday.
We work closely with Dandelions class and share the same topics as they do (this is part of our three year cycle). We have so many amazing areas of study this year, including: Ancient Greece compared with parts of Greece today with a place Study on Athens, Vikings, Rivers and Victorians. We also use our reading scheme, Little Wandle, to help us become fluent and expressive readers. We always use our positive mindsets during our learning and we always try our best!
Meet the teacher
Conkers Medium Term Plans
Learning Journeys:
Class Information:
Our PE days in Term 1 are Mondays and Thursdays
Our forest school sessions will take place in one 6 week block.
Our swimming lessons will take place in terms 3 and 4 (January to March).
Please ensure that all uniform, PE kits or forest school clothes are labelled with the child's name and class.
Our school day starts between 8:30 and 8:45 and ends at 15:15.
Please can your child being a named water bottle and healthy fruit or vegetable snack into school everyday.
No pencil cases are permitted.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Home Learning:
Home learning will be set weekly in the children's homework books every Thursday, marked and returned to you, with new homework stuck in, on Fridays.
Every week, the children will be set a list of spellings, an activity to do with the spellings, reading comprehension, and Maths.
The children will also be given a reading record at the beginning of the year. The children or their adult should record all of the books that they have read in their record and leave a small comment about what they thought of it! This must be sent in every Thursday with Homework books so that it can be checked and returned on Friday.
Multiplication Check (Y4 only):
A Multiplication Tables Check takes place for all Year 4 children across England across a three-week window in June.
It is an expectation that all children sit this check. The purpose of the check is to determine whether your child can fluently recall their times tables up to 12x12. The test is set out similarly to Times Tables Rock Stars, as the children will need to type the answer into a box on the computer. They will have 6 seconds to answer a question. You can support your child, and help them prepare for this check, by encouraging them to learn and regularly practice their multiplication tables.