School Logo Crockham Hill Church of England Primary School

Our Christian Vision and Values

Our Christian Vision

‘Sowing the seeds to give our children the best possible start to the rest of their lives.'

and as a Church of England school this vision is naturally embedded in God's word from the bible. We have chosen to illustrate our vision by using a bible story; just like Jesus used stories to explain God’s words.


We have chosen the parable of the Sower of the Seeds. In the story a man sows some seeds on his land and they fall on different types of soil. The seeds that fall on the on good soil flourish and grow well. We consider our children to be the seeds which have landed on the rich soil that is Crockham Hill school and all it offers.


We strive to improve and enrich our 'soil' so that we can continue to help our children thrive to their full potential; academically, morally, socially and spiritually; and by living out our faith in God.


Our Mission, which is the route map by which we will reach our Vision, states:

As a school at the heart of the local community, our mission is to provide a safe, supportive and inspiring learning environment, which challenges every child to succeed, by recognising their individual needs and aspirations; all underpinned by our Christian ethos.


Our Christian Values

help create the ethos and culture of the school. We hold the Church of England values close to our heart but we have teased out our own specific values which we feel are important to our school in our context. You can see are values below; they are the bed rock of how we expect our school community to behave.



We have respect for ourselves, others and our environment.

We are polite to each other, and kind and considerate in our actions.

We respect other’s differences.



We are inclusive and care for each other.

We are patient and understanding, and see others’ points of view.

We are supportive and help others when they need it.



We show hope, faithfulness and perseverance.

We have self-belief, self-confidence and deal with difficulties positively.

We take pride in our own and others’ successes.



We are enthusiastic, passionate and ambitious.

We empower everyone to achieve their potential.

We believe in the common good – for the school, the community and the world.


Our values are a key to driving our school ethos and culture which in turn will help us achieve our Christian Vision.


We have made a great effort to keep our values alive so they drive behaviours. We ensure our values are visible and constantly referred to. 


The children worked with an artist in residence to create our 4 beautiful banners. The banners were then blessed in an act of worship led by the Archdeacon of Tonbridge.


The banners take centre stage in our acts of worship but we also take them to church and to events such as Sports Day and the the May Fair. Smaller versions of the banners are in the classrooms and on school documents.  


We celebrate and give rewards to children for demonstrating and living out our values. 


Teacher feedback and children's reflections of their own learning often refer to our values as well. 


All our school policies and procedures are created to support our Christian values and vision. 


Governors discuss at every meeting how their work has supported the Christian values and vision.



Our school prayer


 Giving our children the best possible start to the rest of their lives.


Almighty God,


In the rich, Crockham Hill

School soil,


We grow to be the best that

we can be,


Help us to respect our world

and each other and


Let us live our school values

each and every day.








British Values


Please follow the link below to find out about the bedrock of our ethos as a state-funded Church of England primary School. 

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Crockham Hill, Edenbridge, Kent, TN8 6RP

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