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  • Celebrations

    Wed 29 Apr 2020
  • Free access to First News - children's newspaper

    Wed 22 Apr 2020


    First News  – First News are offering free access for a limited period of time. This weekly newspaper aims to get children talking about the news in an easy to understand and non-threatening way. Perfect for 7-14 years of age

  • Celebrate Term 5 learning

    Sat 18 Apr 2020

    Teachers across the school have reported a wonderful start to Term 5 learning. Here are just some of the things the children have created. 


    Abi's Science - Year 1

    Freya's maths - Year 1


    Edie & Rory's rap


    Evie - Year 5 - Battle of Bosworth Field

    Battle of Bosworth recount

    As I sharpened my sword and put on my armour I felt hope in me, like I knew we were going to win. But that great feeling soon ended as I stepped onto the brutal battlefield. Sorrow took over my body as I heard the first war cries of the demonic day. Clash went the swords. The lush green grass turned red with allies blood. I could hear the screams of dead wailing around the battle field. It was torture, despair and loss at the same time. The worst possible feeling. I knelt down and cried as i saw Richard III's sword stained with the blood of my friend. Shock rushed through my body as i felt a sword touch my back, my mind raced with thoughts of me dying. I thought it was my end until the sword fell to the ground, I looked behind me and there lay a enemy soldier, dead. His voice shot through my ears like a ghost i couldn't move, focus or talk, I was frozen to the spot, helplessly standing there in the middle of the bloody battlefield. Suddenly soldiers ran away unti​l there was only me and my fellow soldiers. A man walk past me carrying a dead soldier and put him on a mule. We had won.


  • The Rainbow Children

    Tue 07 Apr 2020

    A poem written by a mother in the North East. 

    The Rainbow Children

    The history books will talk of now,

    That time the world stood still.

    When every family stayed at home,

    Waved out from windowsills-

    At those they loved but could not hold,

    Because they loved them so.


    Yet, whilst they did they noticed all the flowers start to grow.

    The sun came out, they can recall,

    And windows, rainbows filled.

    They kicked a football in their yards,

    Until the night drew in.

    They walked each day but not too close,

    That time the world stood still.

    When people walked straight down the roads,

    That once the cars did fill.


    They saw that people became ill,

    They knew the world was scared.

    But whilst the world stood still they saw,

    How much the whole world cared.


    They clapped on Thursdays from their doors,

    They cheered for the brave.

    For people who would risk their lives,

    So others could be saved.

    The schools closed down, they missed their friends,

    They missed their teachers so.

    Their Mams and Dads helped with their work,

    They helped their minds to grow.

    The parents used to worry that,

    As schools were put on hold,

    Their children wouldn’t have the tools,

    They’d need as they grew old.


    But history books will talk of them,

    Now adults, fully grown.

    Those little boys and girls back then,

    The ones who stayed at home.

    They’ll tell you that they fixed this world,

    Of all they would fulfill.

    The RAINBOW children building dreams,

    They’d dreamed whilst time stood still.

    Gemma Peacock

  • New Online safety activities

    Tue 07 Apr 2020

    Wondering what to do during lockdown in the holidays? I am sure children will be accessing games and activities online. Here is some new material from the Online safety website - ThinkYouKNow. Follow the link for age appropriate materials you can work through and talk about with your child/ren.



  • The final celebrations of the term ...

    Wed 01 Apr 2020

    So here are some final pieces of work to share and celebrate. 

    Ava G's poem


    Year R Sydney's Rainbow


    Year R Austin's Scavenger Hunt


    Elders celebrations are shown below as pictures.

    The daffodils reminded me of the poem by Wordsworth and then I reflected on how apt the first few lines of the poem are today:

    I wandered lonely as a cloud
    That floats on high o’er vales and hills,
    When all at once I saw a crowd,
    A host, of golden daffodils;

    How cheering it is to see these daffodils as we sit in isolation or when we take our daily walk!

  • Virtual Class Celebration Assemblies - Merit Awards

    Wed 01 Apr 2020

    It was fantastic to see many children, parents and staff at our virtual assemblies. 


    Congratulations to the following children who were awarded Merits:


    Charlie - Charlie has worked consistently hard on all of her home learning tasks over the last week or so. Her efforts with her English work have been particularly notable, resulting in the production of a brilliantly written and beautifully presented newspaper report. 


    Jack - Jack has demonstrated a really conscientious attitude to home learning tasks over the course of the last week or so. He has steamed through every single learning task we have set, approaching them all with enthusiasm and producing some excellent pieces of work. 


    Christopher - Christopher has been working exceptionally hard on his home learning tasks over the last week or so. He has put a lot of effort into both the quality and presentation of his work. He has also been sharing some of the many extra-curricular activities he has been doing, which has been lovely for us to see. 


    Tru - Tru has been working really hard to keep up with all of her home learning tasks. We were really impressed by the way she listened to our feedback on her newspaper report and worked really hard to edit and improve it! 



    Bella-Gray  - for showing focus & determination in your home learning this week.


    James - for showing aspiration in your learning.  We have enjoyed your creative responses to our thinking challenges and super science work


    Rory - superb home learning over the last week!  You have shown great enthusiasm for all our lessons and we loved the video of your Science experiment last week.


    Edie - fantastic home learning over the last week!  You have taken great care with the presentation of all your written work and created a superb story.​



    For the whole of Conkers for have been amazing and have enthusiastically responded to almost every task set.


    Isla  -For being resilient and not to give up when she found the Maths tricky and she has learnt to listen to guidance from teacher and from Mum! She has also written one of the best adventure stories in the class.


    Jake -He has put huge effort into every piece of work and his presentation has been outstanding. 


    Evie -A clear explanation on how shadows are formed using the correct scientific language. 


    Dara -For great photographic evidence of the experiment, followed by a good explanation of the soil.



    Noah - for persevering telling the time to five minutes and working really hard at home


    Teddie - for producing brilliant quality work this week.


    Lillie - for working brilliantly at home and producing some lovely work.


    Abi - for brilliant work for the past seven days and in particular fantastic work on number bonds



    Aoife for her stunning natural art picture.


    Eddie for his gorgeous cursive handwriting in chalk about the weather.


    Alex  for not only following Joe Wicks carefully every day, but also getting a shout out from Joe Wicks for the whole family who have been joining in.


    Bailey for his incredible reading.







  • Virtual Class Assemblies

    Wed 01 Apr 2020
    Parents should have received a link for children to attend their Class Assembly via Parentmail. 

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